Happy birthday to me!

Yay me! I'm a year older now. Last year on my birthday I was convinced and told everybody I'd back be in Estonia by Midsummer's Day (Jaanipäev). Well, I was wrong and ended up having my first birthday indoors, not on my real day and without bonfire in the last 10 years. But it was a really cool party and was great to see most of the people follow the theme: white! We also set a new Guiness record by having the most estonians (12!) in the same room in Dubai!:)

Some random pics from the party:


Kristi said...


Palju õnne ka minu poolt ja head reisi Eesti;)

Tervitused Wellingtonist!

Seif said...

wooow the fotos are wonderful ... i wish i could attend that cool party ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey, HAPPY BIRTHDAY PEEP. Seems like you had a great party. Good thinking about the theme. WHITE



Tru said...

Hola, Peep!!!!

Minu h2biv22rselt hilinenud 6nnesoovid!!
Aga h2sti suured selle eest!! niiiiiiiiiii suured!!!

K6ik ainult seet6ttu, et olen siin suht levist v2ljas olnd k6ikse aeg, t2na kah ronisime Raunoga 5000 m k6rguse m2e otsa nimega Chimborazo ja homme ootab ees rongi katusel s6it...heheh...mulle on ju ikka ekstreemsport meeldind :D.

AGA SULLE, veelkord k6ikse paremad 6nnesoovid, synnip2evaks ja muidu ka!!

kallid Ecuadorist!
