CV wisdom
I am currently hiring a new salesperson. We advertised in 2 different places and I got literally hundreds of CVs. Going through each of them and paying attention to each of them is a tough job. You get tired. You feel tempted to pay attention only to some of the most important criteria. I understood why some companies don't reply to received applications (I did, to each one of them) - there's just so many of them and it could seem to be a hassle. I also understood what "your CV has to stand out" really means. They all look the same, they have more or less the same structure, the same business jargon sentences. There was 1 CV that did stand out and I really stopped to read it through in detail. It was different in appearance. The content was the same as in any other CV, but it made me curious, made me pay more attention. I think anyone would have more chance of being invited for a job interview when they could make their CV stand out more.
Now there's some advice I want to give. Often there is a question: whether to put the picture on the CV or not? Several standards recommend "yes", its more personal etc. Here's what I think: when it comes to a job where you have to interact with (potential) clients, looks are important. People do business with people they like. Every time I saw a photo I was thinking what kind of an impression might this person leave to our potential clients? What kind of prejudices might they invoke in others? Can it lessen the chances of business deals?
I am sure there are so many (recruitment) people out there who make their first impression of you based on your picture. My advice is this: if you are after a sales job (or any other client focused job) then add the picture to your CV only if you have above average looks. Be self-critical. Yes, you might have a charming personality and charisma, but you won't get to show it if people are put off by your looks. It takes 3 seconds to form first impression. If you don't look that good, don't add the picture - just hope you'll get invited for an interview and then use your charm, wit and other nice qualities that you have to convince them you're the one. If you are a data analyst, biologist or server maintainance guy, looks are not important. But in some jobs it matters.
Aah, one more thing. Most of the CVs I got had a picture. A large number of the pictures were horrible. Just horrible. Even if some of you look good otherwise, make sure the photo is of high quality.
Kas toesti, kui olen oma tutre nao ja valimusega, siis saan tood, aga kui olen kirvenagu, siis mitte...Hawking naeraks meid valja!
Ma ei rääkinud otseselt tööle võtmisest, vaid intervjuule saamisest. Aga jah, ma väidan, et kui on esinduslik väljanägemine, siis on oluliselt suurem shanss saada kutsutud tööintervjuule, kui on kõvasti konkureerivaid CVsid. Ning paraku kui oled kirvenägu, siis shansid kutsutud saada kahanevad veelgi. Välimus on oluline, sest inimesed on eelkõige emotsionaalsed olevused ja suurem osa ostuotsustest on ka emotsionaalsed. Kui sulle müügiinimene ei meeldi isiklikult, siis ka võimalus, et sa temalt ostad, on väiksem. Seepärast on ka selgelt mõistlik äriotsus minimeerida selline risk ja võtta sellisele ametikohale inimene, kes on valdavale osale sümpaatne. Inimesed teevad äri inimestega kes neile meeldivad.
Loomulikult ei alahinda ma isiku sarmi, sära, karismat ja muid omadusi, mis on olulised. Need aga läbi CV väga hästi ei paista - seetõttu pean paremaks mõtteks teha vajalikud sammud, et vältida enda suhtes eelarvamuse tekkimist.
Märkasin, et Sinu blog on emiraatides blokitud. Ehk huvitav teada :)
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