Burj Al Arab

Some countries have signature places to visit. When you go to France, you have to go to Eiffel Tower and Louvre. When in India, you should visit Taj Mahal. For Dubai this place is Burj Al Arab.

Burj Al Arab, one of the symbols of Dubai, has (very) successfully create a mystique around it. It claims to be acknowledged as the best hotel in the world. It is a symbol of luxury, reachable only for the selected few. Not everybody can go there - just to look around costs 75$. Even most of the residents in Dubai have never been there. One night in the hotel starts from around 1300$ with the sky being the limit for the royal rooms.

The hotel as 8 restaurants and bars, I had dinner in one of them. For extra cost (about 110$) you can have a white Rolls Royce pick you up from your home to take you there. Restaurants are not cheap at all, but the food and service very of the highest quality. The dinner I had (buffet) was for 100$ per person (excluding drinks, even water) and it was easily one of the best dinners I have ever had. The buffet contained food that is quite often not included in the buffet menus like lobsters, oysters, sushi.

When we entered the restaurant I received a nice surprise - a table close to us was full of Estonians. There aren't so many of us and what are the chances of meeting some in Burj? One of the persons at the table was the rally ace Markko Märtin.

The hotel had a very nice ambiance, live classical music being played in the lobby (and they played very well). The hotel area size is not very large, but it's high and hollow inside. It was luxurious and nice, only the couches in the lobby looked rather cheap to me. In the entrance there was a cool fountain (see right). Escalators were next to aquariums with corals.

Dubai has a huge amount of 5 star hotels (total 54 by the end of this year), when you live here you happen to go to those places often (for drinks, dinner, appointments). This means you get somewhat desensitized to luxury and thats why Burj Al Arab didn't seem like that super special. But it was cool and different for sure, we had a lot of fun .


Unknown said...

Lottery jackpot? 100$ for dinner, 100$ for Rolls?


Fall In Line.... said...

Just dropping by to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!



Tiiu said...

Nii ilusat paari pole ammu näinud, harmooniliselt sobivat! Riputaks või seinale sellise foto. Täisulik!
Häid pühi!


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

BurjArab on muidugi koht, mida tasuks kylastada. Kuid mind yllatas yliaeglane teenindus. Aga voib olla kui oled 7* hotellis, siis peabki kogu muu maailm seisma jääma ning tuleb lihtsalt nautida seda ylikirevat ja segast interjööri ning naeratavaid/viisakaid kuid tigusammul liikuvaid teenindajaid. Aga eks hankige endale omad muljed, erakordse kogemuse saate kindlasti.

Unknown said...

Ma ei saa üliaeglase teeninduse väitega nõus olla. Meil käidi iga 3-5 minuti tagane vaatamas, et kas oleme ikka õnnelikud ja mis veel vaja. Samas see intervall polnud liiga kiire, et häirima hakkakaks, vaid just selline, et tundsid, et sinu teenindamisest hoolitakse.