Next adventure
I've been laying low and living a quiet chill-out life. Spending time with my family, resting in the forest, hanging out with my friends. Just what I needed and wanted. But now - it's time to move on and get ready for the next adventure.
So in about 2 weeks or so me and Sarah will be going to - Panama City. The goals for me will be to learn Spanish and get to know the local culture and the region. Latin America is an undiscovered place for me, so I bet my time there will be an eye-opener and a learning experience, not to mention the amount of fun I'm gonna have there.I'm sure many of you would ask what will I do there? For some time now I've been doing some work for Frontier TV, an ethical business & living internet TV channel. I only require an internet connection to do the job, hence I am granted total mobility. So basically I can live anywhere in the world. Now I am taking advantage of this opportunity and Panama City is where I'm gonna hang out for some time.
Once I'm there, I will start sharing my experiences in the New World via this blog.
Otsustasid ikka Ciudad Panama kasuks? Miks - kas Managua tundus liiga ähvardav?
Mitte sellep2rast - pigem infrastruktuur. Managuas pidi elektri saadavus ja interneti stabiilsus olema katkendlik. Kuna aga t88 tegemiseks ilma ei saa, siis miks mitte. Samuti on Panamas olemas igast yleilmsed organisatsioonid nagu JCI, BNI jne millega voiks liituda ja sots v6rgustikku luua. Nicas pole AIESECi kah :)
Arusaadav, kui sul on Panamast kontakte vaja, siis anna m2rku. Maris peaks ka sealt palju rahvast tundma.
Aga igatahes - mucha suerte y cuidense.
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