End of the road
All good things must come to an end and so did our road trip. I will try to
capture the highlights of the last 2 weeks and the trip as a whole.
America is a country full of amazing natural beauty. Our next destination after Stockton was the famous Yosemite National Park. "It's maybe the most beautiful place on earth", a friend of mine told me once. He wasn't wrong - the park was amazing. Full of mountains, forest, active wildlife. We saw a black bear munching away some berries or something and at we encountered at least 20 deer at a very short distance. The deer were used to humans I guess, or at least curious. We camped in the forest for 2 nights and at one time there were 7 deer at the same time around our tent. The bear activity was so huge in the park area that we were ordered to store all our food and other scented items in a special bear-proof canister.
We hiked, admired the waterfalls, listened to the wind, talked to the animals and enjoyed food cooked on a fire. It was a sublime experience one cannot put in words.
It was really hard to leave Yosemite, but we had to move on eventually to see other amazing places. Next stop - Sequoia National Park. Just before arriving to the park, we saw a sign saying "Cats Haven" and we decided to check it out. It turned out to be a small kind-of-a-zoo where they had endangered big cats, from tigers to leopards to karakuls. We got an hour long tour and saw many different cool cats. For me as a cat lover it was really cool and I learned a lot.
We also met the largest tree in the world, named General Sherman. Its approx 2200 years old. At the base you had to walk 33 meters(!) to make a circle around it.
You really feel like a midget when walking through a sequoia forest. They say that a human is to a sequoia as a mouse is to a human. It was weird and fun to see "normal" trees next to sequoias where they seemed like teeny-tiny trees. The time spent in this forest was truly magical. The person under the sequoia trees on the last picture on the left is me.
After seeing the Giant Sequoias we continued on to Las Vegas. We drove through Death Valley, but as it was night time we didn't see that much. Las Vegas is something else and hard to describe, you have to experience it. It has a main street called The Strip which has all the
We gambled in different casinos, visited some of the most famous ones and I ended up losing 100$. Oh well. Who hasn't got luck in gambling has luck in love, as they say.
I also had to spend some time in the local jail.
The park gets 5 million visitors per year, so it was really crowded, but that was okay. When you go hiking you don't see that many anyway as most people are lazy.
After seeing Grand Canyon we started driving back towards Austin, Texas. Other places worth mentioning were the Hopi and Navajo indian reservations and the city of Santa Fe. I am definitely curious to find out more about the native americans and the reservations - when you're in them you're like in another country. Maybe more about this in another blog post.
Santa Fe was a very cool artsy city, a haven for artists I imagine. Full of galleries, arts and crafts shops. The city seems to have strict building restrictions as most buildings were made of adobes.
As I mentioned earlier, United States has amazing natural beauty. On this trip we saw so many spectacular views and sightings that eventually when a view was a little less than absolutely breathtaking, it didn't seem so great anymore. We got spoiled. Some of the things we saw were not so amazing as I had expected (Golden Gate bridge, Hollywood blvd), most by far more magnificent than I had even thought of. During the first 2 weeks I said almost daily "this is the best view I've ever seen". I am so glad I got to go on this trip, it was nothing less than astounding. Another dream fulfilled.
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